
究竟~~ Tony Parker有沒有欺騙Eva Longoria 跟隊友的妻子那個呢?


Eva Longoria, 35, filed for divorce on Wednesday amid reports that Tony Parker, 28, cheated on her.



( -- Tony Parker may now have more than just marriage problems to worry about.

(PEOPLE雜誌 )Tony Parker 可能現在不僅僅擔心婚姻的問題


His estranged wife, Eva Longoria, found hundreds of text messages to the NBA star's phone from the wife of one of his teammates, the actress tells pal Mario Lopez of Extra.

他分居的妻子 Eva Longoria 在找到數百調訊息傳到NBA明星的電話中 妻子從隊友之一 告訴Mario Lopez額外的費用

The woman's identity wasn't revealed nor was the name of the San Antonio Spurs teammate.


Longoria, 35, filed for divorce on Wednesday amid reports that Parker, 28, cheated on her. The divorce petition cites "irreconcilable differences" and Longoria is seeking spousal support.

伊娃 35歲  在禮拜三時聲請離婚報告中說 Parker, 28,欺騙她 離婚的請願書理由是"個性不合?" 伊娃正在尋求配偶的支持

Longoria says that Parker cheated on her earlier in their marriage and that he kept in touch with the woman on Facebook, according to Lopez.

伊娃說帕克早在結婚前欺騙她並且與那女人在FACEBOOK(臉書)保持聯絡 Lopez.說 (臉書真是個壞東西)

"She is devastated, she wants us all to know that," Lopez says. "But she's strong."

"她實在是太傷心了 她希望我們都知道這件事"Lopez說 "但是她很堅強"

See full article at



estrange 離間 疏遠


reveal 表明 說穿

divorce 離婚

petition請願書 請願

spousal 配偶

devastate 摧殘 蹂濘






Ivonne Carolina

太棒了 離開那個垃圾 男人要尊重彼此的關係 他們認為他們可以隱藏任何事情那不是愛 人在做天在看KARMA is a bitch 上帝保佑伊娃給她一點時間思考

Itsbatman Durr

聽到他們離婚的消息真難過 可以確定是TONY欺騙伊娃 真是羞恥! 而且干我屁事啊! 我意思說 除非你是他們的朋友或者家人 你不知道他們之間到底發生甚麼事 我們可以和和藹的像個人類嗎




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