A: Could u get my car ,plz?

B: what noder is it?

A:it's a white Chevrolet station wagon.

  it is in the main parking lot.

B:I 'll bring it around as soon as possible





A: wellcome to the Hyatt-Regency ,Sir. Have u booked yet?

B:Yes. I would like to check in now.

A:plz give me ur ID.

B: have u go! Ur room number is 622.

A:plz step over to the front desk.I 'll look afer ur bags.


A:u'r welcome. Enjoy ur stay!





A: I would like to request a pick up. Could u call me a cab car, plz?

   or day bus ,probably subway.

B: yes, ma'am. where exactly do u prefer to go ?

A: city Hall Downtown.

B: there r weo ways. U can choose either cab or shuttle bus. But shuttle bus comes every two hours.

    If u want to take the bus now, u have to wait 1.5 hrs.

A: I see.

B: which one would u liek to take?

A: a cab car. I must go to the meeting on time.

B:Sure. take a seat in the lobby. It will be 10 mins. I 'll let u know when it' s here.

A: thanks a lot . the meeting is quiet importment for me.





A: I ' am waiting for the airport shuttle bus.

B: do u check ur seat?

A: Not yet. Could I make a reservation?

B:sure. Plz wait a minute.


THere r three vacancies. Co u have seating pregerence, Sir?

A: a window seat.

B:the bus will be here at 11:30 am.

take a seat. I 'll take care of ur baggage.


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