plan to arrive in ak in 6/30 ,how can we go to kodiak ?
Will company offer the plane tickets for us?
Can you just tell us about the information of transport as detail sa
Airport Code: ADQ. Please buy ticket yourself
2.can you recommend us some place to live while we working in ISA?
(we tried to find in the internet but in vein ,all we found is hotel and
for us
it's too expensive to live.. )
Your agent told us it has been taken care of.
But if
you do not have any place, please let me know
3.will company offer us with meals?
1.沒有提供機票ANC-KODIAK小島 飛一趟就快6000台幣
2.沒提供吃的 (這就差很多)
OFFER上面就寫是100美金 我寫信去問的時候就變成111美金了
Your lodging has not yet been secured as of this moment. Once you arrive, it will be assigned to you. The rental fee will be $111.00 per week: $100 rent and $11 sales/bed tax. You are requested to pay 2 weeks in advance and $200 in a security deposit.
錢錢錢錢 可惡阿 真的氣死我了